Friday, February 4, 2011


Here are my pictures from the sport photography assignment, the three first ones are included in our presentation in class. The settings for all these pictures are the same; f/5.6 , 1/200 , ISO 3200 and taken with a Canon EOS 40D. Under each pictures is a breif discription on the editing that I've done and why I took the picture.

 This picture I thought would be cool since you can see the basketball field in the instrument and at the same time get some feeling on what is going on beside just the game, the environment and surrounding. With this picture you can get an understanding that the game is more than just a game. What I've done in the computer with this photo is: crop it, add some "temperature" and explosure. 
 This one needed a little bit more character from it's original format. So we made it black and white and added contrast and balance in photoshop. When I look at this picture I get the feeling of pending or waiting. As an observer of this picture you can tell that there is something going on in front of those cheerleaders, but what? This picture gives you many question; what is happening, what are the expressions of the girls, and because of the black and white, the picture is a little bit more timeless. 
 These two pictures I wasn't really sadicfied with at the beginning, I thought the guy was to blurry so to make him seem more sharp and in focus I blured out the audience and background. I thought it would be cool if both pictures were set together. Even though each picture is framed seperantly they are carefully put together so that the frame of the basket are followed as line through both pictures. 
 Just a picture of a cheerleader, nothing special...
This one may seem a little bit to dark... But that is actually with a purpose. I want the eyes to notice the dark in the bottom and then follow the light in the picture. The reason why the light gets lighter at the top is because both guys are facing that direction. So what I've done in photoshop with this picture is the light, the "temperature", exposure, cloning so that one advertise sign is gone and a pole in the background.

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